Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Say bye to pacifier

Alahmdulillah...dah seminggu dah Kaseh tak pakai pacifier bila nak tidur. Tidak..tersangkut je la pacifier tu kat mulut dia.. Cume sekarang ni, kat luar lak problem.. camne nak buat ntah.. Kalau tak tidur ok jer.. Kalau nak tidur tu yang belum boleh lagi..Sebab bile kat luar..nak tidokan dia dok kat dalam stroller.. where as skang ni.. main pangku la kat umah.. kuar sume muscle2 ibu ngan ayah tau..ahahha..Kaseh og Kaseh...

Pernah dulu ayah post kat blog pasal kesah pacifer Kaseh.. Mak Ngah dan Pak Ngah siap kira berapa banyak pacifier Kase time tu.. Tapi sebenarnya bukan semua pun Kaseh guna.. That is only try and error purpose we finally you choose the one that suite you best!! Pandai ek memilih.. even at the age of 2 month time tu.. Sayang sayang...

Anyway, selama kaseh pakai pacifier for about 8 month.. she got 4 different pacifier.. and Ibu will always make sure your pacifier is still ok for you, or else will ask daddy to buy the new one. Alhamdulillah...genap 9bln 2minggu Kaseh dah tk pakai pacifier dah.. good girl kan? As usual, your beloved daddy will always be the apprentice for any new changes that we plan for you.. bravo la daddy!!!

sekadar gambar hiasan untuk post kali ini...

p/s : I love you...