Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Why toddlers throw things
Throwing things is a new and enjoyable skill for many children between 18 months and 3 years of age. It takes fine-motor skills to open the fingers and let go of an object, and considerable hand-eye coordination to actually throw it. No wonder your toddler wants to practice this exciting skill! What happens next is educational, too: Your toddler discovers that whatever she throws falls down — never up. She can't say "gravity," but she can certainly observe its effects. If she throws a ball, it bounces; if she tosses a plum, it goes splat. Of course, for you it's maddening when spaghetti winds up all over your just-mopped kitchen floor or a clean pacifier lands on a dirty sidewalk, but to your toddler, it's all great fun.
What you can do about it
"Unless your toddler's throwing a rock through a window or really threatening to hurt someone, don't give her a time-out or punish her," says Roni Leiderman, associate dean of the Family Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It's futile to try to stop your child from throwing at this age. Concentrate instead on limiting what she throws and where she throws it with these tips.
Show her what she can throw. Your toddler will learn what not to throw more quickly if there are lots of things that she is allowed — and even encouraged — to throw. Balls are an obvious choice (stocking up on foam balls will minimize accidents indoors). But actual throwing games (like tossing beanbags in a basket or skipping stones on a pond) are even more fun for a 2-year-old, especially if you play with her. The message you want to convey is that throwing things is fine as long as she throws the right things in the right place at the right time. "When she throws something inappropriate, like a shoe, calmly take it away from her and say, 'Shoes aren't for throwing, but balls are.' Then give her a ball to play with," says Leiderman.
Discourage her aggressive throwing. What should you do when your toddler does throw something she shouldn't — sand from the sandbox, for instance, or blocks at another child? As much as possible, try to ignore it the first few times it happens. If she knows she can get your attention by throwing something she shouldn't at someone, she's likely to do it again.
If your child often comes close to hurting other children by throwing things at them, it's important that you always react the same way, since toddlers learn through repetition. The next time she does it, say, "No, that hurts," and pull her aside for a quick time-out to call attention to the "no" and to remove her from the situation so she can start fresh in a moment. The key is to keep the time-out under a minute (a good rule of thumb is 30 seconds at this age) so your child doesn't forget why she was made to stop what she was doing. If you notice that she throws things at other children when she gets angry, encourage her to express herself with words instead. Say, "If you're angry at Emily, use your words," or, "You tell me when you get angry." It's okay to let her know you're unhappy with her behavior by your tone of voice, just don't let your anger determine your response. Try not to yell at your child, and never hit her — even if it's just her hand — to discourage her from throwing.
If she persists in throwing things in a hurtful manner, even though you've tried to deter her calmly and consistently, you may have no choice but to keep an eagle eye on the toys she plays with, and to shadow her while she plays with them.
Fasten her toys to her seat. When she's in her stroller or car seat, try attaching a few playthings within easy reach (tie the toys with short pieces of string and trim the ends so they can't get wrapped around her neck). She'll quickly discover that in addition to throwing the objects, she can fish them back again. Double the fun for her, half the work for you.
Clean up together. Don't ask your toddler to pick up everything she throws. "That's an overwhelming task for a child this age," says Leiderman. Instead, try getting down on your hands and knees together and enlisting her help by saying, "Let's see how fast we can pick up the blocks together," or "Can you help me find all the yellow M&M pieces?"
Set a good example. You don't have to avoid casually tossing a pillow on the sofa to set a good example for your toddler. In fact, you can use the items you normally toss around your home to show her what's good to throw and what's not. The next time she throws something she shouldn't, take a tour of your house together and toss socks in the hamper, tissues in the wastebasket, and toys in the toy chest instead.
Sit with her at mealtimes. This is a messy eating stage, but you can often avoid the worst of it by sitting down with your toddler while she eats. That way you're right there to gently but firmly tell her no when she makes a move to toss her lunch and to hold her plate down with your hand if need be. "Parents should always sit with their children at mealtimes to engage them in conversation and help develop their language skills," says Leiderman. It's also the best way to make sure your toddler chews her food before swallowing so she doesn't choke.
Use toddler-proof dishes. "Never use your fine china or even breakable stoneware to feed your toddler," says Leiderman. Instead, try using a special toddler dish with plastic "suckers" that fasten to the table or highchair tray so she can't pick up the dish. Keep in mind, though, that while these work well enough that a casual grab won't send her dish scuttling across the floor, they won't stop a child who's amazed to find her dish "stuck" and is determined to pry it off.
Stick to small portions. You'll waste less and your toddler will have less ammunition if you serve her tiny portions of finger foods and hold off on dishing up more until she's eaten what's there. "Don't push her to eat more than she wants to unless your pediatrician says she's having trouble thriving," says Leiderman. Most kids don't start throwing their food until they've finished eating and grown bored. So no matter how much she's eaten, take your toddler's food-flinging as a sign that she's finished her meal, and remove her from the table or her highchair. If a bit of food does escape her hands, either by accident or on purpose, try to keep some perspective about it: After all, a dropped slice of bread or a pinch of grated cheese on the floor may be annoying, but we all drop things sometimes.
Articles taken from Babycenter. Written by Nina Louie
P/S: I Love us!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy 2nd Father's day Ayah..
Tapi, walau apapun kisahnya untuk hari ini.. ibu minta agar Kaseh akan sentiasa menghargai , mengasihi, menyayangi dan menghormati ayah..selamanya.. kerna ibu pasti ayah juga akan sentiasa punya perasaan yang sama pada kamu...kerna kamu adalah anaknya..dan dia adalah ayah kamu.. ayah yang sentiasa ada di sisi ibu tatkala kita sama2 berjuang di waktu kelahiran kamu hampir 2 tahun yang lepas. ayah yang sanggup melakukan segalanya untuk kamu, melapangkan dirinya untuk kamu, bersusah payah memberikan yang terbaik untuk kamu, yang sanggup menyedut hingus dari hidung kamu dan segala macam benda lagi yang telah, sedang dan sentiasa akan buat untuk kamu, anaknya.. please sayang..hormati ayah, jagalah perasaan ayah..kerna dia adalah ayah yang terbaik untuk kamu di dunia ini.. ayah suami ibu, dan ibu yakin dan amat pasti yang ayah akan jadi ayah yang TERBAIK untuk anak2 ibu.. mungkin ayah tak dapat lambakkan kamu dengan kemewahan wang ringgit, tapi syukur alhamdulillah.. segalanya cukup untuk kamu..dan insyaAllah, dengan ilmu yang ayah ada juga akan mampu membimbing kamu ke jalan yang diredhai Allah..insyaAllah.. doa ibu dan ayah agar kamu membesar menjadi anak solehah..yang sentiasa dirahmati Allah, dan dapat memanjangkan amal baik ibu dan ayah dengan amalan baikmu sayang.. kerna matinya kami cuma membawa amalan..bukan harta kekayaan dunia.. dan kamu adalah harta kami..harta yang kami doakan dapat membahagiakan kami di dunia dan akhirat.. sayang kamu selamanya..
P/S: I Love us!!
Note: Selamat hari bapa pada abah kepada ibu, atok kamu.. ibu call atuk tadi..walau ibu tau atuk takkan boleh bercakap dengan ibu..cukupla sekadar ibu dengar atuk katakan'haa...' di hujung talian sana.. sayang atuk kamu selamanya...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ku Cinta Apa adanya kamu..
Kuamati semua menatapmu aku bahagia Sedianya bila diriku Bisa menjadi kekasihmu Tinggalah aku menanti Cinta ini terus tertuju Dalami hatimu yang galau Kumau kamu seadanya * Jadikanlah aku cintamu bersemi untuk kita Biar waktu nanti yang bicara ku lugu menanti Kuterima engkau seperti yang ini apa adanya Biar hati kita yang bicara ku cinta apa adanya kamu.. Tinggalah aku menanti Cinta ini terus tertuju Sedianya bila diriku bias menjadi kekasihmu
P/S: I Love us!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Andai satu masa nanti..
Seandainya saat kamu baca coretan hati ibu kali ni, kamu dah pun punya kehidupan sendiri, atau mungkin masih lagi menuntut di alam persekolahan, atau mungkin juga di peringkat universiti.. tahniah ibu ucapkan.. sebab ibu percaya kamu pasti dah banyak membanggakan ibu dan ayah..sebab ibu yakin anak ibu anak yang bijak.. yang akan sentiasa menyenangkan hati dan membuat hati kedua orang tuanya bangga. Tapi sayang.. cuma ibu minta sesuatu dari kamu.. biarla kegembiraan itu milik kita bersama.. milik kamu, ayah, ibu dan adik2 kamu.. jangan pernah biarkan gembira itu cuma milik ibu dan ayah..tapi bukan kamu.. sebab ibu tak nak andai ada sesuatu yang kamu lakukan tu, bukan atas dasar kehendak kamu sendiri, tapi lebih kepada memuaskan hati ibu dan ayah.. that's not right.. so, kalau waktu ni kamu ada berperasaaan sebegitu.. please..ibu minta.. let us know.. andai ditakdirkan ibu takde lagi waktu ni, please let your daddy know.. sebab.. ibu dan ayah tetap manusia biasa yang takkan lari dari melakukan kesilapan, atau mungkin ada kalanya terleka dek kerana mahu memuaskan hati masing2. Dan ibu takut kamu menjadi mangsa keadaan.. ibu harap ibu dan ayah tak buat macam tu.. andai kata ye, maafkan kami.. but please.. do let us know about it.. you are free to talk as long as you put your word in a good manner, then there will be no problem at our side, insyaAllah... kita boleh berbincang dari hati ke hati.. apapun halnya.. please.. jangan pernah pendamkan perasaan kamu..
My dear sayang Kaseh,
Sejak ayah dan ibu berkahwin, ayah selalu cakap..'nanti bila kita dah ada anak, jangan pernah lebihkan mana2 pun.. semuanya kena sama rata.. macam mana kita didik dan besarkan anak yang pertama, macam tu jugakla pada adik2nya'. dan statement tu tetap selalu ibu dengar walau kami dah punya kamu.. sebab kami tak pernah mahu terlupa atau terleka dalam membesarkan kamu dan adik2 kamu.. insyaAllah..ibu dan ayah cuba untuk takkan pernah sekali pun keluarkan statement ' kamu akak, dia adik.. kamu kene mengalah' NO sayang.. insyaAllah ibu takkan biarkan benda tu berlaku. Atas apa yang ibu rasakan waktu ni, atas apa yang telah ibu saksikan sejak beberapa hari ni, dan atas apa yang telah ibu dengar sejak bertahun2 lamanya.. statement tu cuma akan buat adik2 hilang rasa hormat, hilang rasa tanggungjawab pada yang lebih tua. And of course I will not let it happen in our family.. especially among my dearest children.. andai si adik melakukan kesilapan, tetap salah tu salah dia.. dan dia perlu minta maaf pada yang lebih tua.. andai barang tu kepunyaan yang lebih tua, dia tetap perlu minta izin sebelum ambil atau gunakan sekalipun.. begitu juga sebaliknya.. biarla ada rasa hormat, kasih dan sayang yang menebal antara diri kamu dan adik2.. cumanya.. SEANDAINYA.. kamu rasakan ibu dan ayah berat sebelah, tak kotakan apa yang ibu cakapkan tadi.. sekali lagi ibu minta.. bagitau ibu, bagitau ayah.. bagitau kami sayang.. sebab yang pasti..kami tak pernah mahu benda tu berlaku, cuma tetap kami manusia biasa yang kadang2 terlupa. So please, let us know if it still happen. Because that is totally wrong!!! Kalaupun kamu terpaksa print posting ibu kali ni, buatla..tunjukkan pada ibu.. luahkanla pada ibu.. cuma tetap perlu ada adab dan sopan yang perlu kamu iringkan ye sayang.. :) Ibu memang ibu kamu, tapi tetap dan selamanya ibu akan cuba untuk jadi sahabat yang terbaik pada kamu dan anak2 ibu yang lain.. insyaAllah.. sayang kamu selamanya..
My dear sayang Kaseh,
Membesarla menjadi anak solehah, yang menyenangkan hati ibu dan ayah, yang dapat memanjangkan amal baik ibu dan ayah dengan amalan baikmu sayang.. yang sentiasa berada di bawah rahmat Allah.. menjadi contoh yang baik pada adik2 kamu.. yang menjadi kebanggaan keluargamu dan agamamu..sayang kamu selamanya...
P/S: I Love us!!
What's on my mind 6..
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Potty Training
P/S: I Love us!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thanks daddy..
Anyway, terima kasih pada ayah kamu untuk keselesaan yang dihadiahkan pada kamu utnuk percutian kali ni.. Membesar jadi anak solehah ok sayang.. yang menyenangkan hati ayah dan ibu.. sayang kamu..sayang ayah kamu juga..

P/S: I Love us!!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Rindu padanya...Desa Impiana..
Video ni ibu rec waktu kita jalan2 ambil angin hari Ahad yang sudah.. terima kasih pada ayah untuk tricycle yang comel lagi cute ni.. kamu sangat la suka naik tricycle ni kan.. menyanyi2 bagai.. hihi..sangat comel..ibu sayang kamu..
Monday, June 07, 2010
Surprised!!!! Alhamdulillah menjadi - Part 1
P/S: I Love us!!