Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Antara redha dan pasrah..

Skrip dalam ombak rindu ada kata.. 'Redha itu ikhlas..pasrah itu menyerah'. Then what is exactly i feel right now? Ya Allah..sungguh bukan la tak redha, jauh lagi ntok tidak bersyukur.. tapi tetap saja diri ni seorang hamba yang punya banyak kekurangannya..dan kerana kekurangan itu jugala yang mencetuskan rasa yang bersarang di hati, juga di fikiran ni.. setiap kali terfikir hal ni..mesti berderai je air mata..Astaghfirullahala'zim.. redha la duhai hati.. sudah tertulis yang ini takdir terbaik buat kita sekeluarga.. Things happen for reason kan??

family portrait @ the little mermaid Copenhagen, Denmark.

P/S: I Love us..forever and ever..

Monday, November 07, 2011

Sesuatu dalam hati

Dah lama sangat tak update blog..tiba-tiba harini rasa nak menulis pulak..kenapa ye? Ntahla..mungkin waktu ni terasa macam tak pasti apa sebenarnya yang menghantui perasaan ni. suka? duka? well, seriously..tak tau..tak pasti!! mungkin ada masa rasa happy..ada masa tidak.. hurmm..ntahla, tak tau nak explain macam mana..cuma yang pasti..jauh sudut hati ni memang percaya kalau ini yang terbaik untuk semua.. bila semuanya seolah dipermudahkan, then..there you go.. itu lah kurniaan yang terbaik buat kami daripada Allah untuk masa ni..

Oh ye, by the way..sekarang keluarga kita dah berempat.. dulu bertiga.. syukur alhamdulillah selamat semuanya.. dah 7bulan dah pun usia puteri kedua ni.hahaha..

March 24, 2011, 22:45 CET time @ Oslo Ulleval Hospital, Norway..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby oh! Baby..

Lama dah tak jenguk blog ni..macam biasa..kemalasan melanda walaupun kadang2 ada je benda nak diluah and cerita nak diceritakan.. tapi dek kerana ibu kamu ni tersangatla rajinnya..maka kambuskan je la benda dan cerita tu dalam benak ni..hahaha... Oh, harini 22hb Mac 2011, ikutkan EDD ada 2 hari je lagi adik kamu nak menjengah..tapi sampai sekarang still takde sign apa2.. ibu ni sebenarnya dah tak larat bebeno nak bawa perut ni tau.. lebih2 lagi waktu tidur malam.. nak beralih tempat pun masyaAllah..perit betul rasanya.. tu belum kira lagi nak bangun gi bilik air.. aduhai..berpimpin2 kat dinding2.. and there was a night bilamana air mata ni tumpah jua akhirnya dek kerana mengenangkan rasa dan perit yang ditanggung waktu tu..bukan perit apa..cuma terasa macam dah tak larat sangat2 nak lalu.. kalau boleh nak bersalin dah..tapi tetap takdir Allah tak tertulis begitu..

Malam tadi pun ibu tak dapat tidur lena..macam gak la malam kelmarin..asyik terjaga and rasa tak selesa.. ada masa contraction datang.. tapi jap gi pergi.. ingatkan nak sampai masa dah..tapi tak jugak.. tapi memang mengharap kalau sakit dan kelahiran adik ni biarla di siang hari.. lebih mudah ibu dan ayah nak uruskan perjalanan ke hospital and kamu sendiri.. kot tengah2 malam or pagi2 alam jenuh gak la.. huhu..

Semalam ada check up.. hoihh..ntah kenapa la pulak gula ni naik.. mungkin ke sebab sejam before check up tu ibu bantai makan lempeng yang berkeping2 cicah ngan sambal sardin..atau mungkin ke 2 hari before tu ibu dok bantai minum air gas sebotol kecik? ntahla..cume yang pasti esok, kene ke klinik untuk glucose test.. minumla air gula tu (tak pernah2 umur kene minum) pastu dudukla diam2 kat klinik tu 2 jam.After that baru nurse amik blood sample and buat test.. haihh..macam2.. BP pun kat boardner line je ni..tapi doc kata still normal and ok.. nothing to be worry katanya..yelah tuan doctor!! oh yer.. scan jumaat sudah memang dah ibu jangka kalau adik kamu pastinya lebih sihat dari kamu..tapi..bila dengar tu adeh..risau ibu tau!!! tapi takpela..berfikiran positive.. in term of weight, mmg adik besar.. but in term of size.. kita tunggula nanti sebab ibu pun takde lak bertanyakan hal tu haritu..papepun ibu redha je la.. doa banyak2 semoga semua baik and selamat utk ibu dan adik kamu..insyaAllah.. :)

Baby oh baby..bila agaknya kamu nak lahir ni?? kakak dulu awal 2 hari.. ke nak share birthday date ngan ibu 25hb ni?? takpela baby.. dah boring nanti keluar la ek.. mintak tolong siang hari ok.. :)

tengok kakak ni..ntah apa2 ntah dia nyanyi..buat ibu mengantuk adala..huhu..

P/S: I Love us!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Now ni ibu tengah menangis..apsal? sebab ibu layan perasaan sorang2.. ntahla kakak..tak tau la, part of kerenah awak yang macam2 now ni, emosi ibu lak jadi terumbang ambing balik.. huh!!! stress!!

curik gambar dari en google.. :P

P/S: I Love Us!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Words to remember...

The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

P/S: I Love Us!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Baru pas cakap phone ngan acik ida and mak ngah kamu. Borak2 tadi, terus rasa nak balik KL.huhu.. beradik perempuan ibu semua dah ada kat KL.. ibu je la takde.. masing2 dah pindah dari JB n Muar.. before ni cuma Mak Ngah je kat KL. But now, Acik Wati n Acik Ida ada skali.. mencari peluang lain yang lebih baik di muka bumi Allah ni.. Rindu lak rasanya pada kemeriahan mereka. Selalu kalau dah berkumpul adik beradik memangla gelak sakan. Ada je lawak2 ntah hape2.. hehe.. Beradik pompuan ibu 4 orang.. lelaki pun sama.. and ibu perempuan bongsu.. sejak dah besar2 ni memang close la. Dulu masa kecik2, waktu ibu belajar kat asrama memang tak berapa nak close. Mungkin sebab jarang jumpa. Tapi bila masing2 dah besar, especially after ibu berkahwin and ada family sendiri, then we are getting closer to each other.. ;). Mungkin sebab ada banyak bende nak cerita and share kot kan.. tu yang bukak ruang ntok kami lebih rapat..

Gambar ni waktu majlis kahwin acik rezal.. berdiri dari kanan gambar: cik wati, mak ngah, ibu, acik ida n k.ain ( anak pak long kamu)

Hurmm..tetiba takde idea nak melalut.. hahaha..okla, bubye sayang.. muaahhhsss!!! Jaga diri, sembahyang and iman kamu.. love u..

P/S: I Love us!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


What is it?

It's an injection into the small of your back, using a curved, hollow needle. A needle with a curved tip goes between the vertebrae of your back, and into the space outside the coverings that surround your spinal cord called the epidural space. A fine tubing (or catheter) is passed through the needle and then the needle is removed. The fine catheter is taped up your back and over your shoulder. The anaesthetist injects a local anaesthetic (similar to what you would have at the dentist) into the catheter to numb the lower part of your abdomen. Generally, your legs and feet go numb as well. You can't feel your contractions any longer.

Sometimes, the catheter is attached to a small pump, which allows the anaesthetist to control how much local anaesthetic you have, or the pump may be primed to release a small dose of the anaesthetic every so many minutes.

How does it work?

It works in just the same way as a local anaesthetic works when the dentist numbs your mouth before extracting a tooth. The anaesthetic deadens the nerves which are carrying pain signals from your womb and cervix.

When should I have it?

Theoretically, you could have an epidural at any point in labour, even in the second stage when you are pushing your baby out, although a spinal anaesthetic would probably be offered in that situation.

Most people, however, choose to have an epidural when the cervix is about five to six centimetres dilated and the contractions are getting stronger. If you are as much as eight or nine centimetres dilated, you may be told that it's too late for an epidural and advised to manage without because your baby would be born soon.

What are the advantages of epidurals?

• More than 90 per cent of women get complete pain relief.

• Your mind remains totally clear.

• Can help to control high blood pressure.

• Can put you back in control of your labour, and restore your confidence.

• Epidurals are more sophisticated than they used to be and you might find that your legs and feet are not completely numb.

What are the disadvantages?

• May find that you are numb down only one side of your body or that a small part of your tummy has not been anaesthetised.

• May make you feel very shivery.

• You have to stay in bed.

• You need to have a drip in your arm. This is because epidurals make some women's blood pressure drop which may seriously affect the flow of oxygen to the baby. The drip is a safety precaution so that, in an emergency, the volume of your blood can be quickly boosted to bring your blood pressure back to normal again.

• You will probably have a catheter into your bladder. An epidural means you can't tell when you need to empty your bladder, so this has to be done automatically for you.

• You might feel very out of control. You have three tubes going into your body and you have to be told when to push if the anaesthetic hasn't worn off by the second stage of labour. Your obstetrician and nurse midwife effectively manage your labour for you.

• Epidurals can increase the length of labour, especially the pushing stage.

• Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously, using a transducer strapped to your abdomen, or a smaller transducer clipped onto his scalp.

• There's a greater chance of needing to have a forceps or ventouse (also known as vacuum) delivery because epidurals often prevent the baby moving into the best position to be born. Also, it often stops you from feeling the urge to push in the second stage of labour.

• If the epidural needle goes beyond the epidural space, there will be a leakage of cerebro-spinal fluid after the tubing is taken out. This fluid buffers your brain and even a very small leak will give you a terrific headache. This is usually treated by taking a small amount of blood from your arm, perhaps the day after your baby is born, and injecting it into your back to seal the hole made by the epidural needle.

• Some women have problems passing urine after having an epidural.

Any useful tips?

• Keep very still while the anaesthetist is setting up the epidural. You will be on your side or sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning forward and curled up in a ball. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through your nose and sigh out slowly through your mouth. Hold your husband's hand and keep eye contact with him.

• Discuss with your obstetrician and nurse midwife the possibility of letting the epidural wear off for the second stage of labour when you are going to deliver your baby. Being able to feel the contractions will help you push more effectively.

• If you cannot feel any sensation of pressure during the second stage of labour, and/or if the epidural weakens your muscles, you may not be able to push effectively during the second stage. Slowing or stopping the infusion of epidural medication will help you regain some sensation and/or muscle strength. Additional doses can always be re-administered should the need arise.

This articles has been taken from babycenter.com

Note: Ibu takde plan nak amik epidural ntok kelahiran adik kamu nanti. Macam mana ibu boleh bertahan dari segala macam rasa sakit and serba tak selesa tu waktu menanti kelahiran kamu dulu, InsyaAllah..ibu boleh lalui untuk kali yang kedua Semoga ibu diberikan ketabahan dan kesabaran dalam meniti detik waktu itu untuk kesekian kalinya.. Doakan yang terbaik untuk ibu dan adik kamu ye sayang.. ;)

P/S: I Love us!!